Special thanks to Princess Yachts Cyprus, photographed in Limassol on the Princess 30M Hallelujah https://www.princessyachtscharter.eu/
Producer: Alexander Papacosta, www.moiostrovstudio.com, @alexanderpapacosta
Production Company: Moi Ostrov Studio, www.moiostrovstudio.com, @moiostrovstudio @cyprusproductionservice
Photography: Bela Raba, www.belaraba.com, @belaraba
1st Assistant: Anna (please add the correct last name)
Models: Milan Van Eeten, Rodrigo Almeyda, Victoria Savechko, ACE MODELS
@milanvaneeten @rodrigooalmeyda @vika.savechko
Styling: Loizos Sofokleous @loizos_sofokleous & Andrea Ioannou @andreaioann
Mua: Chloe Votsi, BABOR @cvotsi
Hair: Panayiotis Assiotis @assiotisdahairlord