Available for rent now at Moi Ostrov Studio, the new B1X with 3 batteries per head or 1,000 flashes at full power, 500 watts.

Profoto calls it the new benchmark for on-location lighting, we call it the ultimate location pack for Cyprus

Ideal for on-location photography, the Profoto B1X sets the benchmark once again for cordless, battery-powered monolights. And with both TTL and HSS available, you’re guaranteed the best light shaping experience possible on location, anywhere.

  • TTL and manual mode – We stock TTL remotes for Nikon and Canon
  • High-Speed Sync up to 1/8,000s
  • Rechargeable Li-Ion battery, 325 full-power flashes
  • Power & control, 500Ws and 9 f-stops
  • 24W LED (Output equivalent to 130W Halogen)
 It offers automatic TTL shooting that shines brightest in challenging lighting conditions. It offers HSS that enables you to control and shape light even in broad daylight. And it’s fast to set up so you’re free to explore and create stunning images. Let your imagination set the limits, not the length of your cables.

Power in all the right places

We’d like to think of the B1X as power with a purpose. And that purpose is simple; we want image creators anywhere to be able to realize their vision. If that’s halfway up a mountain, overpowering the sun in the middle of the desert or hanging off a rock overlooking the Mediterranean – then so be it.

That’s why the LED modeling light adds 80% more light output, the battery holds 50% more power and why the B1X has the widest HSS range available on any flash. Because we want you to have power in all the right places.

