Studio News

Moi Ostrov Studio News on equipment, photo and video productions in Cyprus plus some gear reviews

The New Aputure 60X

By |2020-10-14T11:12:56+02:00May 9th, 2020|Studio News|

Even during the time of the pandemic the team at Aputure is holding strong and are announcing one new product or update every week. After Aputure 300X the bi-colour cob light introduced on April 23rd and the Sidius app update shortly after, Aputure this week announced the 60S and 60X. Aputure's Ted Sim introduced

The Aputure 300X is finally here

By |2020-04-17T17:38:37+02:00April 17th, 2020|Studio News|

Aputure 300X - The Bi-Colour Single point light source is finally here. The Light Storm 300X is Aputure’s latest point-source LED and is the first bi-color (2700K-6500K) Bowens Mount light fixture to be compatible with optical lens modifiers. !!EMBARGO!! - The

Shop the new Profoto B10

By |2019-12-22T12:15:33+02:00February 21st, 2019|Studio News|

The all-new Profoto B10. Small portable, light, powerful. This 250ws light doubles as a bi-color video light and runs out of the battery of plugged in. Everything every photographer was asking from Profoto they now Delivered. Shop it here at in our Profoto Store.  Profoto B10 The Profoto B10 is the smallest and

Princess Yachts Charter Video

By |2018-04-20T21:56:09+02:00April 19th, 2018|Studio News|

Late in March we had the pleasure of working on the New Charter Video for Princess Yachts Cyprus The video will be released in just a few days Here is some behind the scenes footage of the production Shot on Red Helium and Canon C100 by Ivan Knezevic, producer Alexander Papacosta

Swimwear Photography Workshop in Ayia Napa – May 20

By |2018-04-20T10:01:14+02:00March 30th, 2018|Studio News|

Alexander Papacosta has made a full-time career out of doing what he loves — commercial photography production and publishing.  Now he’s ready to share his knowledge during this intimate, intensive, on-location 1-day workshop. Adam and Alexander will cover the full range of his swimwear, fashion